Book Review: “The New Illuminati” by David-Michael Harding

Genre: Thriller

4-Watertowers TracyReaderDad Book Reviews

“To those whom much is given, much is expected”

Politicians and public servants accustomed to being “above the law” will now be held accountable for their misdeeds: There is no hiding from “The New Illuminati”.

NOTE: “The New Illuminati” is an ARC sent to me by the author.  It is due in stores October 1, 2016.  Be sure to pick up a copy!  Terrific read, relevant to today’s political environment…and scary as hell.

Clayton Rand is the founder of a multi-million dollar cyber-security firm. Watching the news in Tampa, FL he sees a report that, he feels, shows how politicians and public officials abuse their power without fear of retribution.

Something needs to be done, it’s about time someone pays for this abuse of power.

Sooooooo, Clayton hops on his computer, and, using his world class hacking skills, does something about it:  The commissioner and land developer are now broke and the authorities have more than enough information to convict.

Take that politicians!

As time goes on, and more news stories rankle Clayton, he gets more daring and things escalate.  Eventually, he hits upon forming a new Illuminati based on the original Illuminati but with a modern technological emphasis.  As the new Illuminati evolves, Clayton also adds a physical element with the addition of childhood friend, and ex-special forces soldier, Sam Ciampiano, Jr.

To see what happens….you will have to read the book.  Part II, I believe, is also available October 1, 2016.

“The New Illuminati” is relevant to both the current political climate, the hacking situation of the DNC, WikiLeaks, and others, and the most divisive Presidential campaign I can remember….where lies and cover-ups seem to abound.  A great read.

Blaze loves it too! 🙂


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