Category: Sue Grafton

  • Book Review: “Y is for Yesterday” by Sue Grafton

    Book Review: “Y is for Yesterday” by Sue Grafton

    Genre: Mystery January 1979 Iris Lehmann is a freshman at the prestigious Climping Academy in Santa Teresa, CA. She is there only because her father was hired as a teacher, not becasue her family has money like most of the other kids. Iris is not happy, and gets in trouble….a lot. One day she meets…

  • Book Review: “X” by Sue Grafton

    Book Review: “X” by Sue Grafton

    Genre: Mystery Thanks to a windfall in the last book, Kinsey Millhone, Private Detective in Santa Teresa, CA, now has enough money in the bank not to worry about slow times. And these are slow times. In the middle of a drought, Kinsey’s octogenarian landlord, Henry, is stressing about his exorbitant water bill despite his…

  • Book Review: “W is for Wasted” by Sue Grafton

    Book Review: “W is for Wasted” by Sue Grafton

    Genre: Mystery “I’ve got time” “No, really. You’re in the middle of something. I don’t want to interrupt.” “Washing windows. I haven’t even started yet. What’s worse than losing a friend?” “Someone left me half a million bucks. Give or take,” I added in the interest of being accurate.” “The bastard. That’s terrible!” Kinsey Millhone…

  • Book Review: “V is for Vengeance” by Sue Grafton

    Book Review: “V is for Vengeance” by Sue Grafton

    Genre: Mystery 1986 Phillip Lanahan is a young kid with a gambling problem. Losing badly (like all the time) he seeks out the local , Santa Teresa, CA, loan shark hoping to score $10,000 which he will then turn into a fortune and pay all his debts back in a jiffy. We all know how…

  • Book Review: “U is for Undertow” by Sue Grafton

    Book Review: “U is for Undertow” by Sue Grafton

    Kinsey Millhone is investigating an old missing-child cold case. Can she survive long enough to…..

  • Sue Grafton Passes Away at “Y”

    Sue Grafton Passes Away at “Y”

    Such sad news today, December 29, 2017.  Sue Gafton has passed away from cancer. Her daughter tells us that the alphabet now ends with “Y”. 😦 More Sue Grafton books….. Next up for me is “U”. 😦

  • Book Review: “T is for Trespass” by Sue Grafton

    Book Review: “T is for Trespass” by Sue Grafton

    Genre: Mystery In “T is for Trespass” Kinsey Millhone, Private Investigator, has a few interesting cases to solve in her hometown of Santa Teresa, CA. Leaving her apartment one morning, Kinsey hears a faint moaning sound. Ruling out a cat, dog, or baby, she investigates, and with her landlord, Henry’s, help (he has a key…

  • Book Review: “S is for Silence” by Sue Grafton

    Book Review: “S is for Silence” by Sue Grafton

    Genre: Mystery 34 years ago (1953) Violet Sullivan, mother of seven year old Daisy, and wife of a fists-first alcoholic husband, Foley, goes to the 4th of July fireworks show in her home town and never returns. 1987 Kinsey Millhone’s acquaintance, Sneaky Pete’s bartender Tannie, asks Kinsey if she can help her childhood friend, Daisy,…

  • Book Review: “R is for Ricochet” by Sue Grafton

    Book Review: “R is for Ricochet” by Sue Grafton

    Genre: Mystery (Kinsey Babysits a Felon) — Buy it! — Kinsey Millhone is a PI out of the fictional town of Santa Teresa, CA (think Santa Barbara).  An ex-cop, 37 years old (this is 1987) married twice and divorced twice, she lives in a garage apartment owned by her 87 year old landlord, Henry. Nord…

  • Book Review: “Q is for Quarry” by Sue Grafton

    Book Review: “Q is for Quarry” by Sue Grafton

    (Cold Case Unsolved Murder) – In 1969, a girl was found murdered in a quarry near Lompoc, CA.  That girl was never identified and the killer never found. It is now 1987 and Kinsey has just had a meeting with her old friend Lt. Dolan who is on medical leave from the Santa Teresa Police…