Election 2016

“Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.”

-Albus Dumbledore

Not much more to say than what has already been said except that, it is time to continue do what is right…..for people of every color, every race, every religion, every nationality, every gender, every sexual orientation, every belief…. everyone (including the environment and education)…..comment below if you agree.


CBS News

Posting this from Facebook because we all know it will get lost there. Is America great again?

Inauguration Day 1/20/2017

Gas $2.65

Dow 19,819

NASDAQ 5560.7

Unemployment 4.7%

Uninsured rate: 8.6% (9/16)

30 yr fixed mortgage: 4.21% (1/19/17)

Median household income: $55,775 (most recent 2015)

Trade Gap: 45.2 billion (11/16)

Copy and paste so we can see if America will be great…. Facts are Facts


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