AI Assisted Book Review: “Walk the Wire” by David Baldacci

Genre: Thriller

I asked BARD / Gemini to write a 150 word summary of this book.

Here is what they wrote (I added the NOTE):

“FBI agent Amos Decker, known for his perfect memory, is called to a crime scene in the booming North Dakota town of London. A hunter stumbles upon a woman’s body with signs of a makeshift autopsy. The oil rush (NOTE: Fracking) has brought wealth but also a surge of problems. Ruthless businessmen, shady officials, and religious outsiders all have secrets they want hidden.

As more bizarre murders occur, Decker’s exceptional memory becomes crucial in piecing together the puzzle. He, along with his partner Alex Jamison, uncover a web of corruption and hidden agendas. With the help of an unexpected ally, Decker must race against time to expose the killer and the forces behind the killings before the town explodes from the pressure of hidden truths.”

I’ll go with that!

Thanks BARD / Gemini! 🙂

This book review only took a few seconds with the help of artificial intelligence.

“Walk the Wire” is a terrific Amos Decker (my fav) thriller with action galore, intrigue, extreme reader anxiety, a death count that will make R.R. proud, and…..a surprise visit by…….

Oh, to find out you will have to read the book. 😉

Baldacci rocks!

More David Baldacci….


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